Pixel Light

Studio Roex is playing with the mind and the moment of recognition. At what point the pixelated square cubes transform to a spherical light? In its designs, Studio Roex plays with the field of tension between recognition and abstraction. PIXEL plays with recognizing the silhouette of the spherical lamp.

The sphere is formed by stacking cubes (pixels). By scaling the sphere with the same size cubes, the sphere becomes larger, the silhouette sharper and therefore more recognizable as a rigid round sphere. The stacking of cubes, a modular system by 3D printing, is not bound to fixed dimensions. Therefore, the PIXEL collection consists of different sizes and shapes.

PIXEL is produced using a 3D production technique. No molds are needed for the plastic bulbs; we print the different parts in our own workshop with 3D printers. The lamp is printed with PLA, biodegradable plastic made from corn starch. From the waste we make new filament ourselves which we can then reuse in full, thus there is no waste stream: all materials are used again for the production of new lamps.

Pixel Light

On request


Price: € 7,260.00